10 Jun 2020

“All people become brothers! Going new ways! May it go from heart to heart!"

Essay from Patricia Buzari

Sometimes mankind only learns through great challenges. The pandemic is one of those great growth opportunities! It is obvious that the worldwide "egoic exaggeration" needs a clear course correction - and has been for a long time! It is necessary! To address the world's need! Outdated, capitalist models (based on dynamics of boundless greed and absurd fear) as well as an exaggerated male energy in the form of hard work and little reception have had their day and are subject to natural decay. The dilemma of the music market lies in the area of ​​tension, in which lay musicians make music for free at a very high professional level and the insane discrepancy of a fee distribution within the market of 250-90,000 euros and more. In a world in which most are only themselves, a virus moves us closer despite the spatial distance. He also seems to teach us something about decency and distance. He has served his purpose.

Today's artistry is nothing more than modern slaves. As soon as organizers can no longer beat pecuniary overexploitation from the artists, they drop them like hot potatoes. An invisible danger then serves as an excuse to hide and to cancel concerts with a “heavy heart”. We are celebrating the 250th birthday of one of the greatest composers of all time, who gives us so much inspiration through his visionary and innovative spirit! It seems that this wonderful jubilee has completely disappeared. It is Beethoven who shows us clearly how to transcend every big challenge in life and to rise above all supposed limitations.

Challenges of this magnitude serve as a wonderful springboard for heroic sentences forward! In the past 50 years, mankind has dared to raise consciousness rates more than in the 2000 years before! That gives hope. This should also have a positive effect on the perception that art is handcrafted and must be paid accordingly.

Restructuring towards an "interdependent economy" ("All people become brothers!") Are the way forward - which will make the next 1000 years positively sustainable! For this we need courageous and visionary leaders with a heart ("May it go from heart to heart again!") - who understand how to respond to people before they call for help! One for all and all for one. A system in which everyone can win. Aware that everything we cannot take to the grave has no lasting value.

There is enough for everyone! MOMENTUM has stood for this maxim since its inception. What does this look like in concrete implementation? The main reason for MOMENTUM to be founded is not only to offer artists a concert podium, but also to practice humane handling in a merciless "creative industry". This human interaction begins with the joint selection of works, ensembles and a generous manner of dealing with each other. Responding to the respective individual concert calendar of our artists must be taken for granted as a standard. Everyone can only win! Sufficient preparation time will make the artist feel more comfortable on stage, which in turn will have a positive effect on the enjoyment of art by the audience. This, in turn, will make any creative project bloom, as the directors gain the trust of the audience, which is the essence of true success.

New concert models such as the livestream concert, drive-in concert or even the drive-in concert were inspired and launched by the crisis. In the spirit of Beethoven: going new ways!

– Patricia Buzari


kindly supported by

F. Victor Rolff Stiftung
NRW Bank
Sparkassen-Kulturstiftung Rheinland
Stiftung Kinder Brauchen Musik
Kunststiftung NRW


Deutsche Stiftung Musikleben


Stadt Stolberg
VR Bank eG
Museum Zinkhuetter Hof
Steinway & Sons Düsseldorf
Vichter Landhaus
Sparkasse Aachen
Breitkopf & Härtel
Kulturstiftung der Sparkasse Aachen
Up & Down Transporte GmbH

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Festival Momentum e.V.
Förderverein PRO MOMENTUM
IBAN: DE38 3905 0000 1073 3710 54